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Call Of The Word Freelance Editor Freelance Copywriter


You have found your editor.


First things first, all are welcome here at Call Of The Word! First-time authors, published writers, indie-authors, established novelists, you will all find everything you need here to help you reach your publishing goal, not to mention an editor who is committed to you and your manuscript.


This is what I do. 


 As an editor, I am here to take your manuscript and to envision it to be the very best it can be. From there I work backwards through all the threads of your novel - narrative voice, plot, character, structure, syntax and so on. I untangle the knots, iron the whole thing out and present to you a vision of what your work could be. Then, I am with you, onboard until the very end when you have a finished piece ready to launch into the world.

So, let's get started! Scroll on down to find out more about my Editorial Services. 

Call Of The Word Freelance Editor Freelance Copywriter

Editorial Services

Scan my menu of editorial services to find what you need. Fees, duration, results, it's all there in the details.

Manuscript Appraisal

An objective and honest review of your manuscript.


  • Editorial feedback on your plot, characterisation and standard of writing.

  • Highlighting strengths and weaknesses in your work.

  • Constructive criticism and suggestions or techniques for improvements.

  • Assessing the suitability of your manuscript for genre and audience.

  • Evaluating the marketability of your novel.

Substantive Edit


Review, revise and repeat.


  • Assessment of your characterisation, structure, pace, plot, narrative point of view and language.

  • Advising restructuring or rewriting where appropriate.

  • Checking for inconsistencies in your manuscript and offering possible solutions.

  • Ensuring sense, content flow, consistency and accuracy.

  • General editorial feedback and advice.

Redraft Evaluation


How did your redraft go? Is your novel on track for publication?


  • Evaluating any amendments to your original manuscript.

  • Checking for any remaining inaccuracies or errors.

  • Advising restructuring or rewriting if necessary.

  • Assessing your manuscript's suitability for publication.

Editorial Consultancy Call

£40/$55 per hour

Book an editorial consultation tailored around you.


  • A one-on-one with your editor.

  • Targeted editorial feedback and advice.

  • Useful techniques and suggestions for your writing process.

  • Committed support and guidance.

The Full House


Everything you will ever need from your editor to prepare your novel for publication.


  • Manuscript Appraisal

  • Substantive Edit

  • Editorial Consultancy Call (up to three hours included in package)

  • ​Redraft Evaluation (one included in package)

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© 2017 by Olivia Maclean

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